Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat (PPM)
Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat (PPM)
Staf Dosen Budidaya Perairan
No. | Nama Dosen | Jenis Kegiatan * | Tempat | Waktu | Sebagai | |
Penyaji | Peserta | |||||
-1 | -2 | -3 | -4 | -5 | -6 | -7 |
1 | Enang Harris, Prof. Dr. MS. Ir. | First International Conference On Aquaculture Biotechnology: The Synergy of Aquaculture Stakeholders to Strengthen the Independency, Sustainability, and Environmentally Sound Fisheries and Marine Sectors | IPB ICC, Bogor | 12 Oktober 2016 | V | |
2 | M. Zairin Junior, Prof. Dr. M.Sc. Ir. | Forum Inovasi dan Teknologi Akuakultur | Badan Riset Kelautan dan Perikanan (BRKP) | 2015 | V | |
Workshop Indonesian Biotechnology | Bogor | 2015 | V | |||
Information Centre (IndoBIC) | ||||||
Workshop Internasionalisasi Jurnal | Bandung | 2016 | V | |||
Pembelajaran PKB Guru SMK Pertanian dari | Cianjur | 2016 | V | |||
PPPPTK Pertanian Cianjur | ||||||
Seminar Hasil Penelitian dan Pengabdian | IPB, Bogor | 2016 | V | |||
kepada Masyarakat Tahun 2016 dalm bentuk | ||||||
Seminar Nasional dengan Tema “Inovasi | ||||||
untuk Kedaulatan Pangan” | ||||||
First International Conference On Aquaculture Biotechnology: The Synergy of Aquaculture Stakeholders to Strengthen the Independency, Sustainability, and Environmentally Sound Fisheries and Marine Sectors | IPB ICC, Bogor | 12 Oktober 2016 | V | |||
Seminar Nasional Perikanan dan Kelautan | Universitas Padjadjaran, | 17-Nov-16 | V | |||
2016 dengan tema: “Sinergitas Teknologi, | Bandung | |||||
Hukum dan Kebijakan Bidang Perikanan dan | ||||||
Kelautan Menuju Kedaulatan Pangan di ERA | ||||||
MEA” | ||||||
International Symposium Fisheries Science for Future Generation, The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science | Tokyo, Jepang | 2017 | V | |||
Lokakarya Learning Outcomes (LO) S1 | Centhini Resort, Bogor | 10-11 Mei 2017 | V | |||
Workshop persiapan penyusunan Borang reakreditasi BAN-PT PS-TMPB | The Michael Resort, Bogor | 21-22 Agustus 2017 | V | |||
International Symposium Fisheries Science for Future Generation, The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science | Tokyo, Jepang | 22-Sep-17 | V | |||
Audit Internal SMM-ISO 9001:2015 | Bogor | 23-24 November 2017 | V | |||
Resource person for training on “Reproductive Biology and Induced Breeding Methods of aquatic Organism” | University Of Yangon, Myanmar | 29 November – 2 Desember 2017 | V | |||
Lokakarya Pendidikan PS-TMPB “Kurikulum Menghadapi Era Milenial” | The Michael Resort, Bogor | 2-3 Juli 2018 | V | |||
3 | M. Agus Suprayudi, Prof. Dr. M.Si. Ir. | Workshop Training Of Trainer (Tot) Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan Budidaya KKP Jakarta | Banyuwangi | 2015 | V | |
Workshop U.S Agency For International Development (USAID) | Bangkok, Thailand | 2015 | V | |||
Seminar World Aquaculture Society- Asian Pacific Chapter | Surabaya | 26-29 April 2016 | V | |||
First International Conference On Aquaculture Biotechnology: The Synergy of Aquaculture Stakeholders to Strengthen the Independency, Sustainability, and Environmentally Sound Fisheries and Marine Sectors | IPB ICC, Bogor | 12 Oktober 2016 | V | |||
Promoting Healthier Aquaculture and | Phu Quoc | 31-Oct-16 | V | |||
Fisheries for Food Safety and Security | Island, Vietnam | |||||
7th Aquaculture Roundtable Series (TARS 2017): Finfish Aquaculture: Strategies for Growth, Aquaculture Asia Pacific | Tanjung Benoa, Bali | 2017 | V | |||
Lokakarya Learning Outcomes (LO) S1 | Centhini Resort, Bogor | 10-11 Mei 2017 | V | |||
Workshop persiapan penyusunan Borang reakreditasi BAN-PT PS-TMPB | The Michael Resort, Bogor | 21-22 Agustus 2017 | V | |||
International Symposium Fisheries Science for Future Generation, The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science | Tokyo, Jepang | 22-Sep-17 | V | |||
International Fisheries Symposium, Projecting ASEAN FEN-Plus for Sustainable Aquaculture, Fisheries and Aquatic Ecosystem | Batu, Malang | 7-9 November 2017 | V | |||
Lokakarya Pendidikan PS-TMPB “Kurikulum Menghadapi Era Milenial” | The Michael Resort, Bogor | 2-3 Juli 2018 | V | |||
4 | Widanarni, Prof. Dr. Ir. M.Si. | Seminar Hasil Penelitian Kompetitif Nasional Tahun 2015 (PUSNAS, HIKOM, STRANAS, KLN, RAPID, IPTEK, DAN MP3EI) | Bogor | 2015 | V | |
Workshop Penguatan Implementasi SPMI untuk GPM dan GKM Sarjana dan Pascasarjana | KMM, IPB | 2015 | V | |||
Seminar World Aquaculture Society- Asian Pacific Chapter | Surabaya | 26-29 April 2016 | V | |||
First International Conference On Aquaculture Biotechnology: The Synergy of Aquaculture Stakeholders to Strengthen the Independency, Sustainability, and Environmentally Sound Fisheries and Marine Sectors | IPB ICC, Bogor | 12 Oktober 2016 | V | |||
Seminar Nasional Perikanan dan Kelautan | Universitas | 17-Nov-16 | V | |||
2016 dengan tema: “Sinergitas Teknologi, | Padjadjaran, | |||||
Hukum dan Kebijakan Bidang Perikanan dan | Bandung | |||||
Kelautan Menuju Kedaulatan Pangan di ERA | ||||||
MEA” | ||||||
International Symposium Fisheries Science for Future Generation, The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science | Tokyo, Jepang | 22-Sep-17 | V | |||
Lokakarya Learning Outcomes (LO) S1 | Centhini Resort, Bogor | 10-11 Mei 2017 | V | |||
Workshop persiapan penyusunan Borang reakreditasi BAN-PT PS-TMPB | The Michael Resort, Bogor | 21-22 Agustus 2017 | V | |||
Lokakarya Pendidikan PS-TMPB “Kurikulum Menghadapi Era Milenial” | The Michael Resort, Bogor | 2-3 Juli 2018 | V | |||
5 | Dedi Jusadi?, ?Dr. M.Sc. Ir. | Promoting Healthier Aquaculture and | Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam | 31-Oct-16 | V | |
Fisheries for Food Safety and Security | ||||||
First International Conference On Aquaculture Biotechnology: The Synergy of Aquaculture Stakeholders to Strengthen the Independency, Sustainability, and Environmentally Sound Fisheries and Marine Sectors | IPB ICC, Bogor | 12 Oktober 2016 | V | |||
Lokakarya Learning Outcomes (LO) S1 | Centhini Resort, Bogor | 10-11 Mei 2017 | V | |||
Workshop persiapan penyusunan Borang reakreditasi BAN-PT PS-TMPB | The Michael Resort, Bogor | 21-22 Agustus 2017 | V | |||
International Symposium Fisheries Science for Future Generation, The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science | Tokyo, Jepang | 22-Sep-17 | V | |||
International Fisheries Symposium, Projecting ASEAN FEN-Plus for Sustainable Aquaculture, Fisheries and Aquatic Ecosystem | Batu, Malang | 7-9 November 2017 | V | |||
Audit Internal SMM-ISO 9001:2015 | Bogor | 23-24 November 2017 | V | |||
Lokakarya Pendidikan PS-TMPB “Kurikulum Menghadapi Era Milenial” | The Michael Resort, Bogor | 2-3 Juli 2018 | V | |||
6 | Odang Carman, Dr. M.Sc. Ir. | First International Conference On Aquaculture Biotechnology: The Synergy of Aquaculture Stakeholders to Strengthen the Independency, Sustainability, and Environmentally Sound Fisheries and Marine Sectors | IPB ICC, Bogor | 12 Oktober 2016 | V | |
Lokakarya Learning Outcomes (LO) S1 | Centhini Resort, Bogor | 10-11 Mei 2017 | V | |||
Workshop persiapan penyusunan Borang reakreditasi BAN-PT PS-TMPB | The Michael Resort, Bogor | 21-22 Agustus 2017 | V | |||
Lokakarya Pendidikan PS-TMPB “Kurikulum Menghadapi Era Milenial” | The Michael Resort, Bogor | 2-3 Juli 2018 | V | |||
7 | Agus Oman Sudrajat, Dr. M.Sc. Ir. | First International Conference On Aquaculture Biotechnology: The Synergy of Aquaculture Stakeholders to Strengthen the Independency, Sustainability, and Environmentally Sound Fisheries and Marine Sectors | IPB ICC, Bogor | 12 Oktober 2016 | V | |
International Symposium Fisheries Science for Future Generation, The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science | Tokyo, Jepang | 22-Sep-17 | V | |||
Lokakarya Learning Outcomes (LO) S1 | Centhini Resort, Bogor | 10-11 Mei 2017 | V | |||
Workshop persiapan penyusunan Borang reakreditasi BAN-PT PS-TMPB | The Michael Resort, Bogor | 21-22 Agustus 2017 | V | |||
Lokakarya Pendidikan PS-TMPB “Kurikulum Menghadapi Era Milenial” | The Michael Resort, Bogor | 2-3 Juli 2018 | V | |||
8 | Irzal Effendi, Dr. Ir. M.Si. | Seminar Hasil Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, LPPM-IPB | IPB ICC, Bogor | 2015 | V | |
Country-Level Workshop in Lao PDR on SEA-TVET Harmonisation and Mobility, SEAMEO | New Rose Boutique Hotel, Vientiane, Lao PDR | 2015 | V | |||
Focus Group Discussion on Feasibility Study and Pilot Culture Production of Marine Finfish Cage Culture in Timor Leste, 15 May 2015, FAO Regional Timor Leste and FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific | Dili, Timor Leste | 2015 | V | |||
Sustainable Seafood Industry: Innovative Technology Solutions Forum and Showcase for Asia, USAID | Bangkok Thailand | 2015 | V | |||
Pelatihan Budidaya Rumput Laut Gracilaria Kabupaten Bekasi, Incubie LPPM IPB | (IncuBie)LPPM IPB, Bogor | 2015 | V | |||
FGD Penyusunan Proposal Bersama Kegiatan Prioritas Tematik Kewilayahan untuk Tahun 2016, BKKP Wilayah I Jawa Barat – P4W LPPM IPB | Operation Room Lantai II BKPP Wilayah I Jawa Barat, Bogor | 2015 | V | |||
World Aquaculture 2015 Conference and Exposition, World Aquaculture Society (WAS) | Jeju International Convention Centre, Jeju, Korea | 26-30 Mei 2015 | V | |||
International Conference on Integrated Coastal Managament – Marine Biotechnology (ICM-MBT), PKSPL LPPM IPB | IPB ICC, Bogor | 2016 | V | |||
Workshop dan Rapat Koordinasi Pengembangan Pusat Budidaya Ikan Air Tawar dan Ikan Hias untuk Pasar Regional dan Global Tahun 2016, BKPP Wilayah I Jawa Barat | BKPP Wilayah I Jawa Barat, Bogor | 2016 | V | |||
Rapat Teknis Standarisasi Bidang Kesehatan Ikan dan Lingkungan, Direktorat Kesehatan Ikan dan Lingkungan, DJPB-KKP | Bogor | 2016 | V | |||
Penyusunan Better Management Practices (BMP) Budidaya Ikan Kerapu Bebek, WWF-Indonesia | Hotel Santika Bogor | 2016 | V | |||
First International Conference On Aquaculture Biotechnology: The Synergy of Aquaculture Stakeholders to Strengthen the Independency, Sustainability, and Environmentally Sound Fisheries and Marine Sectors | IPB ICC, Bogor | 12 Oktober 2016 | V | |||
The BIT’s 5th Annual World Congress of Aquaculture and Fisheries: | Qingdao China | 4-6 November 2016 | V | |||
Technology Innovation & Profitable Sustainability, China Fisheries Association | ||||||
Semnas Perikanan dan Kelautan 2016 FPIK Universitas Padjadjaran: Sinergitas Teknologi, Hukum, dan Kebijakan Bidang Perikanan dan Kelautan Menuju Kedaulatan Pangan di Era MEA, FPIK UNPAD | UNPAD Training Center, Bandung Jawa Barat | 17-Nov-16 | V | |||
International Fisheries Symposium, Projecting ASEAN FEN-Plus for Sustainable Aquaculture, Fisheries and Aquatic Ecosystem | Batu, Malang | 7-9 November 2017 | V | |||
7th Aquaculture Roundtable Series (TARS 2017): Finfish Aquaculture: Strategies for Growth, Aquaculture Asia Pacific | Tanjung Benoa, Bali | 2017 | V | |||
Workshop Pengembangan Marine Ecosciencetech pad Kawasan Pesisir dan Pulau-pulau di Indonesia, Mega Blue Sea | Malang | 2017 | V | |||
Rakernas Masyarakat Akuakultur Indonesia (MAI) | Hotel Permata, Bogor | 2017 | V | |||
Temu Nasional Komite Teknis Bidang Pertanian, Pangan dan Kesehatan dalam rangka Penguatan Mutu SNI, Badan Standarisasi Nasional (BSN) | Aula Kemenristek-Dikti, Jakarta | 2017 | V | |||
Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Tahun 2016: Inovasi untuk Kedaulatan Pangan, LPPM-IPB Kemenristek-Dikti | IPB ICC, Bogor | 2017 | V | |||
Lokakarya Learning Outcomes (LO) S1 | Centhini Resort, Bogor | 10-11 Mei 2017 | V | |||
Workshop persiapan penyusunan Borang reakreditasi BAN-PT PS-TMPB | The Michael Resort, Bogor | 21-22 Agustus 2017 | V | |||
International Symposium Fisheries Science for Future Generation, The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science | Tokyo, Jepang | 22-Sep-17 | V | |||
Lokakarya Pendidikan PS-TMPB “Kurikulum Menghadapi Era Milenial” | The Michael Resort, Bogor | 2-3 Juli 2018 | V | |||
9 | Sukenda, Dr. Ir. M.Sc. | Seminar World Aquaculture Society- Asian Pacific Chapter | Surabaya | 26-29 April 2016 | V | |
First International Conference On Aquaculture Biotechnology: The Synergy of Aquaculture Stakeholders to Strengthen the Independency, Sustainability, and Environmentally Sound Fisheries and Marine Sectors | IPB ICC, Bogor | 12 Oktober 2016 | V | |||
Promoting Healthier Aquaculture and | Phu Quoc | 31-Oct-16 | V | |||
Fisheries for Food Safety and Security | Island, Vietnam | |||||
Lokakarya Learning Outcomes (LO) S1 | Centhini Resort, Bogor | 10-11 Mei 2017 | V | |||
Workshop persiapan penyusunan Borang reakreditasi BAN-PT PS-TMPB | The Michael Resort, Bogor | 21-22 Agustus 2017 | V | |||
International Symposium Fisheries Science for Future Generation, The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science | Tokyo, Jepang | 22-Sep-17 | V | |||
International Fisheries Symposium, Projecting ASEAN FEN-Plus for Sustainable Aquaculture, Fisheries and Aquatic Ecosystem | Batu, Malang | 7-9 November 2017 | V | |||
Audit Internal SMM-ISO 9001:2015 | Bogor | 23-24 November 2017 | V | |||
Asian-Pacific Aquaculture 2018, “Innovation For Aquaculture Sustainability and Food Safety” | Taipei, Taiwan | April 23-26, 2018 | V | |||
Lokakarya Pendidikan PS-TMPB “Kurikulum Menghadapi Era Milenial” | The Michael Resort, Bogor | 2-3 Juli 2018 | V | |||
10 | Iis Diatin, Dr. Ir. MM. | Seminar hasil-hasil penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat | IPB ICC, Bogor | 2015 | V | |
Simposium Nasional Ikan Hias | Balaikota Depok | 2015 | V | |||
Seminar Nasional Agribisnis III | LP2MP UNDIP , Semarang | 2015 | V | |||
Seminar hasil-hasil penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat | IPB ICC, Bogor | 2016 | V | |||
Seminar Nasional Ikan ke 9 | STP, Jakarta | 2016 | V | |||
First International Conference On Aquaculture Biotechnology: The Synergy of Aquaculture Stakeholders to Strengthen the Independency, Sustainability, and Environmentally Sound Fisheries and Marine Sectors | IPB ICC, Bogor | 12 Oktober 2016 | V | |||
Lokakarya “Pengelolaan dan Pemeriksaan | IPB ICC, Bogor | 2017 | V | |||
Keuangan Serta Asep PTNBH” | ||||||
International Conference on Carp, Soil, Agriculture and Environmental Science | Singapura | 2017 | V | |||
Lokakarya Learning Outcomes (LO) S1 | Centhini Resort, Bogor | 10-11 Mei 2017 | V | |||
Workshop persiapan penyusunan Borang reakreditasi BAN-PT PS-TMPB | The Michael Resort, Bogor | 21-22 Agustus 2017 | V | |||
International Fisheries Symposium, Projecting ASEAN FEN-Plus for Sustainable Aquaculture, Fisheries and Aquatic Ecosystem | Batu, Malang | 7-9 November 2017 | V | |||
Pra Lokakarya Akademik Diploma Program Keahlian: teknologi Produksi dan Manajemen Perikanan Budidaya | Bogor | 29 Januari 2018 | V | |||
Lokakarya Pendidikan PS-TMPB “Kurikulum Menghadapi Era Milenial” | The Michael Resort, Bogor | 2-3 Juli 2018 | V | |||
International Conference On Biodiversity | Unpad, Bandung | 7-8 Juli 2018 | V | |||
11 | Dinar Tri Soelistyowati, Dr. Ir. DEA. | Seminar Ikan Hias | KKP | 2015 | V | |
First International Conference On Aquaculture Biotechnology: The Synergy of Aquaculture Stakeholders to Strengthen the Independency, Sustainability, and Environmentally Sound Fisheries and Marine Sectors | IPB ICC, Bogor | 12 Oktober 2016 | V | |||
Seminar Nasional Perikanan dan Kelautan 2016 dengan tema: “Sinergitas Teknologi, Hukum dan Kebijakan Bidang Perikanan dan Kelautan Menuju Kedaulatan Pangan di ERA MEA” | Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung | 17-Nov-16 | V | |||
Seminar Nasional Perikanan XIV | Universitas Gajahmada, Yogyakarta | 2017 | V | |||
Lokakarya Learning Outcomes (LO) S1 | Centhini Resort, Bogor | 10-11 Mei 2017 | V | |||
Workshop persiapan penyusunan Borang reakreditasi BAN-PT PS-TMPB | The Michael Resort, Bogor | 21-22 Agustus 2017 | V | |||
International Fisheries Symposium, Projecting ASEAN FEN-Plus for Sustainable Aquaculture, Fisheries and Aquatic Ecosystem | Batu, Malang | 7-9 November 2017 | V | |||
Lokakarya Pendidikan PS-TMPB “Kurikulum Menghadapi Era Milenial” | The Michael Resort, Bogor | 2-3 Juli 2018 | V | |||
12 | Kukuh Nirmala, Dr. Ir. M.Sc. | First International Conference On Aquaculture Biotechnology: The Synergy of Aquaculture Stakeholders to Strengthen the Independency, Sustainability, and Environmentally Sound Fisheries and Marine Sectors | IPB ICC, Bogor | 12 Oktober 2016 | V | |
Lokakarya Learning Outcomes (LO) S1 | Centhini Resort, Bogor | 10-11 Mei 2017 | V | |||
Workshop persiapan penyusunan Borang reakreditasi BAN-PT PS-TMPB | The Michael Resort, Bogor | 21-22 Agustus 2017 | V | |||
International Fisheries Symposium, Projecting ASEAN FEN-Plus for Sustainable Aquaculture, Fisheries and Aquatic Ecosystem | Batu, Malang | 7-9 November 2017 | V | |||
Lokakarya Pendidikan PS-TMPB “Kurikulum Menghadapi Era Milenial” | The Michael Resort, Bogor | 2-3 Juli 2018 | V | |||
13 | Eddy Supriyono, Dr. Ir. M.Sc. | Responsible Aquaculture Development for Food Security and Economic Progress | Wageningen University | 26 Feb – 14 Mar 2016 | V | |
First International Conference On Aquaculture Biotechnology: The Synergy of Aquaculture Stakeholders to Strengthen the Independency, Sustainability, and Environmentally Sound Fisheries and Marine Sectors | IPB ICC, Bogor | 12 Oktober 2016 | V | |||
Seminar Nasional Perikanan XIV | Universitas Gajahmada, Yogyakarta | 2017 | V | |||
Lokakarya Learning Outcomes (LO) S1 | Centhini Resort, Bogor | 10-11 Mei 2017 | V | |||
Workshop persiapan penyusunan Borang reakreditasi BAN-PT PS-TMPB | The Michael Resort, Bogor | 21-22 Agustus 2017 | V | |||
International Fisheries Symposium, Projecting ASEAN FEN-Plus for Sustainable Aquaculture, Fisheries and Aquatic Ecosystem | Batu, Malang | 7-9 November 2017 | V | |||
Audit Internal SMM-ISO 9001:2015 | Bogor | 23-24 November 2017 | V | |||
Lokakarya Pendidikan PS-TMPB “Kurikulum Menghadapi Era Milenial” | The Michael Resort, Bogor | 2-3 Juli 2018 | V | |||
14 | Munti Yuhana, Dr. S.Pi. M.Si. | Seminar World Aquaculture Society- Asian Pacific Chapter | Surabaya | 26-29 April 2016 | V | |
First International Conference On Aquaculture Biotechnology: The Synergy of Aquaculture Stakeholders to Strengthen the Independency, Sustainability, and Environmentally Sound Fisheries and Marine Sectors | IPB ICC, Bogor | 12 Oktober 2016 | V | |||
Promoting Healthier Aquaculture and | Phu Quoc | 31-Oct-16 | V | |||
Fisheries for Food Safety and Security | Island, Vietnam | |||||
Lokakarya Learning Outcomes (LO) S1 | Centhini Resort, Bogor | 10-11 Mei 2017 | V | |||
Workshop persiapan penyusunan Borang reakreditasi BAN-PT PS-TMPB | The Michael Resort, Bogor | 21-22 Agustus 2017 | V | |||
Lokakarya Pendidikan PS-TMPB “Kurikulum Menghadapi Era Milenial” | The Michael Resort, Bogor | 2-3 Juli 2018 | V | |||
15 | Dinamella Wahjuningrum, Dr. S.Si. M.Si. | Workshop persiapan pelaksanaan asesmen audit SPMI 2015 | IPB, Bogor | 2015 | V | |
The 4th International Seminar On Fisheries And Marine Science | University of Riau, Pekanbaru | 3 Desember 2015 | V | |||
First International Conference On Aquaculture Biotechnology: The Synergy of Aquaculture Stakeholders to Strengthen the Independency, Sustainability, and Environmentally Sound Fisheries and Marine Sectors | IPB ICC, Bogor | 12 Oktober 2016 | V | |||
Seminar World Aquaculture Society- Asian Pacific Chapter | Surabaya | 26-29 April 2016 | V | |||
International Symposium Fisheries Science for Future Generation, The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science | Tokyo, Jepang | 2017 | V | |||
Lokakarya Learning Outcomes (LO) S1 | Centhini Resort, Bogor | 10-11 Mei 2017 | V | |||
Workshop persiapan penyusunan Borang reakreditasi BAN-PT PS-TMPB | The Michael Resort, Bogor | 21-22 Agustus 2017 | V | |||
Lokakarya Pendidikan PS-TMPB “Kurikulum Menghadapi Era Milenial” | The Michael Resort, Bogor | 2-3 Juli 2018 | V | |||
16 | Sri Nuryati, Dr. S.Pi. M.Si. | Pelatihan Etika Penggunaan Hewan Coba | BLST, Bogor | 2015 | V | |
untuk Peningkatan Kapasitas PPM | ||||||
Pelatihan Metode Kontrol Kualitas Bahan | IPB | 2015 | V | |||
Baku dan Produk Obat Herbal | ||||||
The 4th International Seminar on Fisheries | University of | 3 Desember 2015 | V | |||
and Marine Science | Riau, Pekanbaru | |||||
Lokakarya Wawasan Kemampuan Capacity | IPB | 2016 | V | |||
Building | ||||||
First International Conference On Aquaculture Biotechnology: The Synergy of Aquaculture Stakeholders to Strengthen the Independency, Sustainability, and Environmentally Sound Fisheries and Marine Sectors | IPB ICC, Bogor | 12 Oktober 2016 | V | |||
Promoting Healthier Aquaculture and | Phu Quoc | 31-Oct-16 | V | |||
Fisheries for Food Safety and Security | Island, Vietnam | |||||
Workshop Audit Mutu Akademik Internal IPB | ICC-IPB Bogor | 2017 | V | |||
Lokakarya Learning Outcomes (LO) S1 | Centhini Resort, Bogor | 10-11 Mei 2017 | V | |||
International Symposium Fisheries Science for Future Generation, The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science | Tokyo, Jepang | 22-Sep-17 | V | |||
Workshop persiapan penyusunan Borang reakreditasi BAN-PT PS-TMPB | The Michael Resort, Bogor | 21-22 Agustus 2017 | V | |||
Lokakarya Pendidikan PS-TMPB “Kurikulum Menghadapi Era Milenial” | The Michael Resort, Bogor | 2-3 Juli 2018 | V | |||
17 | Alimuddin, Dr. S.Pi. M.Sc. | FGD dan workshop penyusunan standar pendidikan ilmu perikanan dan kelautan, kurikulum, dan capaian pembelajaran pada jenjang sarjana. | Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung | 2015 | V | |
Simposium Nasional Kelautan dan Perikanan | Universitas Hasanuddin, | 7 Mei 2016 | V | |||
III FPIK Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar | Makassar | |||||
Seminar World Aquaculture Society- Asian Pacific Chapter | Surabaya | 26-29 April 2016 | V | |||
First International Conference On Aquaculture Biotechnology: The Synergy of Aquaculture Stakeholders to Strengthen the Independency, Sustainability, and Environmentally Sound Fisheries and Marine Sectors | IPB ICC, Bogor | 12 Oktober 2016 | V | |||
Seminar Nasional Perikanan dan Kelautan | Universitas | 17-Nov-16 | V | |||
2016 dengan tema: “Sinergitas Teknologi, | Padjadjaran, | |||||
Hukum dan Kebijakan Bidang Perikanan dan | Bandung | |||||
Kelautan Menuju Kedaulatan Pangan di ERA | ||||||
MEA” | ||||||
Lokakarya Learning Outcomes (LO) S1 | Centhini Resort, Bogor | 10-11 Mei 2017 | V | |||
Workshop persiapan penyusunan Borang reakreditasi BAN-PT PS-TMPB | The Michael Resort, Bogor | 21-22 Agustus 2017 | V | |||
International Symposium Fisheries Science for Future Generation, The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science | Tokyo, Jepang | 22-Sep-17 | V | |||
Lokakarya Pendidikan PS-TMPB “Kurikulum Menghadapi Era Milenial” | The Michael Resort, Bogor | 2-3 Juli 2018 | V | |||
18 | Nur Bambang Priyo Utomo, Dr. Ir. M.Si. | World Aquaculture Society, Seminar dan pameran Akuakultur | Jeju, Korea Selatan | 26 – 30 Mei 2015 | V | |
Konferensi perkembangan pertanian | Bangkok | 9 – 14 Feb 2015 | V | |||
World Aquaculture Society, Seminar dan pameran akuakultur | Trondheim, Norwegia | 18 – 21 Agst 2015 | V | |||
First International Conference On Aquaculture Biotechnology: The Synergy of Aquaculture Stakeholders to Strengthen the Independency, Sustainability, and Environmentally Sound Fisheries and Marine Sectors | IPB ICC, Bogor | 12 Oktober 2016 | V | |||
Lokakarya Learning Outcomes (LO) S1 | Centhini Resort, Bogor | 10-11 Mei 2017 | V | |||
Workshop persiapan penyusunan Borang reakreditasi BAN-PT PS-TMPB | The Michael Resort, Bogor | 21-22 Agustus 2017 | V | |||
International Fisheries Symposium, Projecting ASEAN FEN-Plus for Sustainable Aquaculture, Fisheries and Aquatic Ecosystem | Batu, Malang | 7-9 November 2017 | V | |||
Resource person for training on “Reproductive Biology and Induced Breeding Methods of aquatic Organism” | University Of Yangon, Myanmar | 29 Nov – 02 Des 2017 | V | |||
19 | Tatag Budiardi, Dr. Ir. M.Si. | First International Conference On Aquaculture Biotechnology: The Synergy of Aquaculture Stakeholders to Strengthen the Independency, Sustainability, and Environmentally Sound Fisheries and Marine Sectors | IPB ICC, Bogor | 12 Oktober 2016 | V | |
Lokakarya Learning Outcomes (LO) S1 | Centhini Resort, Bogor | 10-11 Mei 2017 | V | |||
Workshop persiapan penyusunan Borang reakreditasi BAN-PT PS-TMPB | The Michael Resort, Bogor | 21-22 Agustus 2017 | V | |||
Audit Internal SMM-ISO 9001:2015 | Bogor | 23-24 November 2017 | V | |||
Lokakarya Pendidikan PS-TMPB “Kurikulum Menghadapi Era Milenial” | The Michael Resort, Bogor | 2-3 Juli 2018 | V | |||
20 | Yani Hadiroseyani, Dr. Ir. MM. | Simposium Nasional Ikan Hias 2015 | BPPBIH, Depok | 2015 | V | |
Simposium Nasional Agribisnis III | Universitas Diponegoro | 2015 | V | |||
Lokakarya Wawasan Kemampuan Capacity Building | IPB, Bogor | 2016 | V | |||
First International Conference On Aquaculture Biotechnology: The Synergy of Aquaculture Stakeholders to Strengthen the Independency, Sustainability, and Environmentally Sound Fisheries and Marine Sectors | IPB ICC, Bogor | 12 Oktober 2016 | V | |||
Seminar Nasional Perikanan dan Kelautan | Universitas | 17-Nov-16 | V | |||
2016 dengan tema: “Sinergitas Teknologi, | Padjadjaran, | |||||
Hukum dan Kebijakan Bidang Perikanan dan | Bandung | |||||
Kelautan Menuju Kedaulatan Pangan di ERA | ||||||
MEA” | ||||||
Lokakarya Learning Outcomes (LO) S1 | Centhini Resort, Bogor | 10-11 Mei 2017 | V | |||
Workshop persiapan penyusunan Borang reakreditasi BAN-PT PS-TMPB | The Michael Resort, Bogor | 21-22 Agustus 2017 | V | |||
International Fisheries Symposium, Projecting ASEAN FEN-Plus for Sustainable Aquaculture, Fisheries and Aquatic Ecosystem | Batu, Malang | 7-9 November 2017 | V | |||
Lokakarya Pendidikan PS-TMPB “Kurikulum Menghadapi Era Milenial” | The Michael Resort, Bogor | 2-3 Juli 2018 | V | |||
21 | Mia Setiawati, Dr. Ir. M.Si. | Seminar World Aquaculture Society- Asian Pacific Chapter | Surabaya | 26-29 April 2016 | V | |
First International Conference On Aquaculture Biotechnology: The Synergy of Aquaculture Stakeholders to Strengthen the Independency, Sustainability, and Environmentally Sound Fisheries and Marine Sectors | IPB ICC, Bogor | 12 Oktober 2016 | V | |||
Seminar Nasional Perikanan dan Kelautan | Universitas | 17-Nov-16 | V | |||
2016 dengan tema: “Sinergitas Teknologi, | Padjadjaran, | |||||
Hukum dan Kebijakan Bidang Perikanan dan | Bandung | |||||
Kelautan Menuju Kedaulatan Pangan di ERA | ||||||
MEA” | ||||||
Lokakarya Learning Outcomes (LO) S1 | Centhini Resort, Bogor | 10-11 Mei 2017 | V | |||
Workshop persiapan penyusunan Borang reakreditasi BAN-PT PS-TMPB | The Michael Resort, Bogor | 21-22 Agustus 2017 | V | |||
Lokakarya Pendidikan PS-TMPB “Kurikulum Menghadapi Era Milenial” | The Michael Resort, Bogor | 2-3 Juli 2018 | V | |||
22 | Julie Ekasari, Dr. S.Pi. M.Sc. | Forum Inovasi dan Teknologi Akuakultur | Badan Riset Kelautan dan Perikanan (BRKP) | 2015 | V | |
Seminar World Aquaculture Society- Asian Pacific Chapter | Surabaya | 26-29 April 2016 | V | |||
First International Conference On Aquaculture Biotechnology: The Synergy of Aquaculture Stakeholders to Strengthen the Independency, Sustainability, and Environmentally Sound Fisheries and Marine Sectors | IPB ICC, Bogor | 12 Oktober 2016 | V | |||
Promoting Healthier Aquaculture and | Phu Quoc | 31-Oct-16 | V | |||
Fisheries for Food Safety and Security | Island, Vietnam | |||||
Lokakarya Learning Outcomes (LO) S1 | Centhini Resort, Bogor | 10-11 Mei 2017 | V | |||
Workshop persiapan penyusunan Borang reakreditasi BAN-PT PS-TMPB | The Michael Resort, Bogor | 21-22 Agustus 2017 | V | |||
International Fisheries Symposium, Projecting ASEAN FEN-Plus for Sustainable Aquaculture, Fisheries and Aquatic Ecosystem | Batu, Malang | 7-9 November 2017 | V | |||
Lokakarya Pendidikan PS-TMPB “Kurikulum Menghadapi Era Milenial” | The Michael Resort, Bogor | 2-3 Juli 2018 | V | |||
Jumlah | 81 | 109 |