
The learning outcomes of Technology and Management of Aquaculture (SP-TMA) study program are composed in accordance with the vision, mission, objectives, and mandates of the department of aquaculture, the faculty of fisheries and marine sciences (FFMS) and Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB University). The vision of IPB University is “To get a research-based higher education of international standard and to become a prime mover of agriculture mainstreaming” While the vision of FFMS can be summarized as follows: “The FFMS become an internationally excellent institution in education, research, development and application of science and technology, management and policy in the field of fisheries and marine science”.

Furthermore, the department of Aquaculture has a purpose/mandate to develop science, technology, and management of freshwater, brackishwater, and marinewater aquaculture; including finfish, shellfish, seaweed, and other aquatic commodities.

In regard to the mandate of the department of aquaculture, the objective of SP-TMA aimed to develop a bachelor’s degree of fisheries that can be applied in scientific principles, technologies, and good management practices into freshwater, brackishwater, and marinewater aquaculture industries and related sub-systems while maintaining sustainability and ecological perspective of aquaculture.


Our courses focused on development strategies for sustainable tropical aquaculture, strenghten food security, and food sovereignty. Our fundamental research based on aquaculture environments, fish reproduction and genetics, aquatic health, nutrition and aquafeed supplies, and also on production systems.

The learning outcomes of Technology and Management of Aquaculture (SP-TMA) study program are composed in accordance with the vision, mission, objectives, and mandates of the department of aquaculture, the faculty of fisheries and marine sciences (FFMS) and Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB University). The vision of IPB University is “To get a research-based higher education of international standard and to become a prime mover of agriculture mainstreaming” While the vision of FFMS can be summarized as follows: “The FFMS become an internationally excellent institution in education, research, development and application of science and technology, management and policy in the field of fisheries and marine science”.

Furthermore, the department of Aquaculture has a purpose/mandate to develop science, technology, and management of freshwater, brackishwater, and marinewater aquaculture; including finfish, shellfish, seaweed, and other aquatic commodities.

In regard to the mandate of the department of aquaculture, the objective of SP-TMA aimed to develop a bachelor’s degree of fisheries that can be applied in scientific principles, technologies, and good management practices into freshwater, brackishwater, and marinewater aquaculture industries and related sub-systems while maintaining sustainability and ecological perspective of aquaculture.



In implementing the objective of SP-TMA, learning outcomes has been designated as given below:

  1. Ability to culture various finfish, shellfish and aquatic plant species (marinewater brackishwater and freshwater)
  2. Ability to perform breeding of various fish and shellfish species (marinewater, brackishwater and freshwater)
  3. Ability to formulate feed for artificial feed production in aquaculture
  4. Ability to produce phytoplankton, zooplankton and benthos, both as live food and as industrial raw materials
  5. Ability to apply good aquaculture practices
  6. Ability to identify disease agent, diagnose and treat diseased fish
  7. Ability to perform laboratory activities that are related to aquaculture (in fish reproduction and genetics, fish nutrition, aquaculture environment, fish health and production systems) and interpret the analytical results
  8. Ability to measure and manage the quality of aquaculture media
  9. Ability to perform planning and designing of aquaculture containers (including size, shape and layout)
  10. Ability to operate and manage hatchery production, grow out production, harvesting and marketing of aquaculture products
  11. Ability to evaluate the growth and health status of the cultured species
  12. Ability to evaluate the benefit and risk of aquaculture activities
  13. Ability to interpret data and to provide various alternative solutions
  14. Ability to demonstrate the scope of knowledge and technology application in fisheries business
  15. Ability to clearly deliver information regarding aquaculture to the society
  16. Ability to operate aquaculture activities as business activities
  17. Ability to collaborate and to adapt to their environmental condition, to act communicatively, innovative, and entrepreneurial

Title of Degree Program

The title of the program is “Technology and Management of Aquaculture”. Students who have graduated from this program will get a degree of Bachelor of Fisheries Science. The degree program itself is already accredited by National Accreditation Board for Higher Education, respectively. The word “technology” and “management” emphasize competencies of alumni of this program to utilize current technology in aquaculture field and capability of the alumni to manage production system of various aquaculture activities.

Admission Requirements

Assessment on new student is conducted to warrant that the quality of input, i.e. of new students, could meet the requirement for achieving the predetermined expected learning outcomes. In this regard, selection of new students has been conducted with a standard student selection procedure. Admission of new students of SP-TMA is held at the IPB University with the mechanism as described in Standard Operating Procedure of IPB University (POB-IPB-S1-1). The prospective student of SP-TMA are selected through 6 (six) selection procedures, namely: (1) Invitation Track via National Selection for Higher Education Admission (Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri/SNMPTN), (2) Written Admission Test Track via Joint Selection for Higher Education Admission (Seleksi Bersama Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri/SBMPTN), (3) Special Invitation for High School Graduates (Sekolah Menengah Umum/SMU) who have national or international achievements (Prestasi International atau Nasional/PIN), (4) Regional Envoy Scholarship Student Admission Track (Beasiswa Utusan Daerah/BUD), and (5) General Talent Admission Test (Ujian Talenta Masuk/UTM) IPB University, and (6) Affirmation Programme. Other than those, IPB University also accepts admission of foreign students, transfer students from other colleges that meet the requirements, and major changing students. The requirements for new students from each admission track are stated in the Undergraduate Guideline Book 2014.
Registration for Student Selection is held online; the registration form is accessible via KEMENRISTEKDIKTI site (,, and IPB University’s site ( Prospective applicants apply to IPB University with a recommendation from relevant school officials. The announcement of the registration and admission schedule of students applying to IPB University is posted two months before the registration period is due. All eligible candidates for each of the admission programmes have the same opportunity to take all available admission programmes.

The proportion of IPB University’s capacity for each admission programme refers to the stipulations given by the government. Student capacity for SP-TMA is specified by IPB University through a Coordination Meeting attended by the Chairman of IPB University, the Faculty, and the Department for the in order to determine the quota for each admission programme, by considering the following factors:
(1) IPB University’s strategic plan, especially in relation to the development of science and IPB University mission to develop the nation
(2) The Faculty/Department development plan
(3) Selectivity level evaluation results from the admission of new students of prior years
(4) The capacity of the facilities and human resources (lecturer) at the department hosting the study programme

Students from the SNMPTN admission programme are selected and recruited based on their academic performance during high school. IPB University predetermines a minimum passing grade of 7.5 (in a scale of 0-10) for Natural Science subjects (Biology, Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics) and the academic performance of their seniors coming from the same school in the previous year. IPB University also stipulated a general set of requirements for applicants, namely: (1) physically and mentally healthy; (2) free from drug use; and (3) willing to stay at the IPB University Dorm for their freshman year. Other than the considerations described above, the Dean of FFMS and the Head of the Department of Aquaculture also are involved in the selection of prospective students to give considerations related to the location/origin of high school all over Indonesia where main societal activities are in the field of fishery. Therefore, IPB University can produce competent graduates distributed all over Indonesia, advancing science and technology relevant to the needs of the fishery community, especially that of aquaculture. From 2011 until 2015, the number of students admitted to the SP-TMA via SNMPTN and major change tracks showed an increasing trend.

The Written Admission Test Programme (SBMPTN) is the only selection pattern, which is held together with all other state universities in an integrated system and it is held simultaneously at national level. For prospective students who pass the SBMPTN and have been recorded or are currently students of a IPB University undergraduate programme and have never been dismissed/dropped out, their previously taken subjects whose grade is ≥C can be admitted by IPB University. New students in this category shall comply with the administrative stipulation as new IPB University students.

New student admission via the BUD programme is an admission for IPB University undergraduate programme for prospective students who are recommended and funded by the central government, provincial government, or Regency/municipal government. Registration is formally conducted by the respective institution by filling out the registration form, which is submitted to IPB University within the given schedule. The proportion of SP-TMA students of the Regional Envoy Scholarship Student Admission Track (Beasiswa Utusan Daerah/BUD) admitted to IPB University is in accordance with the MoU with the private/regional governmental institution. Graduates from BUD are expected to return to their region of origin to build and develop aquaculture activities in the region and company or private institution, which had provided the scholarship.

New student admission via the General Talent Admission Test (Ujian Talenta Masuk/UTM) programme is an admission for IPB University undergraduate programme students, which are based on the leadership, entrepreneurship, and affinity of the prospective students towards agriculture. Prospective students have to be graduated from science majors in their high school or its equivalent with the criteria: a) graduated from high school in the last 3 years; b) healthy; c) not color blind. The selection is conducted through a written test of science subject and entrepreneurship talent. The number of SP-TMA student admission from UTM varied, fulfilling the available quota in the particular academic year. Graduates of the UTM track is expected to be undergraduates who have leadership skills and entrepreneurial talent, so that they will conduct independent aquaculture business and create new jobs. New student admission from the Special Invitation for High School graduates who have national or international achievements (Prestasi International atau Nasional/PIN) programme is admission of prospective students by giving special invitation to high school graduates who have excellent achievements, either at national or international level. Until today, SP-TMA has not admitted students from the PIN track.

Prospective students who has been declared admitted to IPB University are obligated to stay at the freshman dorm for one academic year and is obligated to take the common first year programme. Students from the SNMPTN track are also obligated to take common first year programme organized by TPB- IPB University whose objective is the standardization of academic qualification of IPB University students, introduction to cultural diversity, and adaptation for the new learning system at IPB University. Freshman year study status is conducted by the Directorate of Common First year Programme (Tingkat Persiapan Bersama TPB); while on the following year, it is conducted by the faculty. In each semester, an evaluation of learning progress is regularly conducted. Student success is stated with Grade Point Average, namely: (1) GPA ≤1.50; the student is expelled/dropped out, (2) 1.51 ≤ GPA ≤ 2.0; the student receives a warning, (3) GPA ≥ 2.0; student passes with unconditional status. Other than GPA-based evaluation, maximum university credit unit in the evaluation period are also taken to consideration. For example, if an 8th semester student (senior year) only achieves 96 credit unit with a GPA ≥2.0, the student is expelled from IPB University. The same also happens if the study duration of a student surpasses 12 semesters (6 years) and this student has not yet graduated and is not showing progress. Students with problematic grades and achievements will receive a warning letter, as information of the continuation status of their studies. Warning letters are given 3 times during one’s study, and if it can be concluded that the student does not show progress, the gets informed that he or she will be expelled from IPB University.

The IPB University policy on admission of new students is to have 50% of new student come from SNMPTN scheme, 30% of new students come from SBMPTN, and the rest comes from either through special invitation for high school students, special envoy scholarship program, general talent admission procedure, and affirmative program. Currently, based on IPB University website, total admission quota for SP-TMA are 48 students from SNMPTN, 42 students from SBMPTN, and 30 students from other schemes ( )

Organizational Structure of Study Program
Organizational structure of PS-TMA can be seen in this in the figure 1.4. Study Program of Technology and Management of Aquaculture is coordinated by head of study program (which also known recently as academic committee) and secretary of study program. The head of study program report directly to head of department of aquaculture.

Figure 1. Organizational structure of Study Program Technology and Management of Aquaculture and Department of Aquaculture

You will be well equipped into the expanding field of aquaculture and start your own business as entrepreneurs, or to work with related fish-farm; careers in hatcheries, grow-out production, aquaculture supply companies, aquafeed industries, R&D programs,  fish processing industries, – or a job in the many aligned industries and government bodies servicing aquaculture include pollution control, environmental impact assessment, fisheries management, regulation, and conservation.  There are also opportunities in more general areas, such as finance services, sales and marketing, journalism, and teaching.




Matrix Learning Outcomes
