
Bio-Floc System Video

Growing Marine Shrimp in a Bio Floc System

Kentucky Biofloc Production, United States

Bio-floc Systems,  video Chek on

This 12-minute video was shot during a harvest in the indoor marine shrimp production system at Kentucky State University’s Aquaculture Research Center.  In it Dr. Andrew Ray describes some of the benefits and concepts behind biofloc-based aquaculture, including comments on how bioflocs recycle and clean the water and become feed for the shrimp, resulting in very low feed conversion ratios.  Ray says, “We put 1.3 pounds of feed in and we get 1 pound of shrimp out,” adding that a small indoor tank can produce about as much as a large outdoor pond.  In his system, he is getting about two grams of growth a week.  He purchases postlarvae  (PL 8s to 10s) from a shrimp hatchery in Florida and stocks them in a nursery tank at high densities for about 30 days.  After the nursery phase, he’s stocks his production tanks at 250 juveniles per square meter, but plans to increase that to 350 per square meter in his next production run, and if that’s successful, he plans to try even higher stocking densities.  The growout cycle from a one-gram juvenile to a 26-gram animal takes about 95 days.  That’s about 20, fresh, whole shrimp per pound.  Ray plans to distribute his most recent shrimp harvest to a variety of outlets to determine what people are willing to pay for them.  The system allows shrimp to be farmed in practically any building.

Information: Andrew J. Ray, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Kentucky State University, Aquaculture Research Center, 103 Athletic Road, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 USA (, webpage

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