Dr. Ir. Mia Setiawati, M.Si
Profile Teaching Publication Projects Qualifications ContactDr. Ir. Mia Setiawati, M.SiBorn in Bogor, Dr. Ir. Mia Setiawati, M.Si. is a lecturer in the Departement of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Bogor Agricultural University (BDP-FPIK-IPB). she graduated his Fisheries Bachelor’s majoring in Aquaculture in 1988. In 1996 she completed his master study in IPB Univesity, Indonesia and completed his PhD study in the same university at 2010.
Head of IFF Academic Business Unit in Dept.Aquaculture Courses of teaching (Bachelor):Courses of teaching (Master & Doctoral):
- BDP200 Dasar-dasar Akuakultur
- BDP230 Nutrisi Ikan
- BDP331 Teknik Pembuatan dan Pemberian Pakan Ikan
- BDP332 Teknologi Plankton Benthos dan Alga
- IKN207 Teknik Pembuatan Pakan Ikan
- BDP497 Prakek Lapangan Akuakultur
- IKN306 Magang I: Pengelolaan Pembenihan Ikan
- IKN307 Magang II: Pengelolaan
Pembesaran Ikan
- BDP631 Bioenergetika
- BDP632 Nutrisi Ikan Lanjutan
PUBLICATIONS AND PAPERS International PublicationNational Publication
- Scopus Author : Click_ID_57188820671_for detail
- Researchgate.net : Click Here for detaill
- Orcid.org : Click Here for detaill
- Google Scholar : Click_ID_Yh4qc4EAAAAJ&hl_for detail
- Sinta2_DIKTI : Click_ID_5985906_for detaill
Contacts Lecturer: Dr. Ir. Mia Setiawati, M.Si. Department of Aquaculture IPB University (Bogor Agricultural University) Bogor, Indonesia Post Code: 16680 IPB Email : miasetia@apps.ipb.ac.id
Dr. Ir. Mia Setiawati, M.Si