
ASEAN Fisheries Education Network

“In order to strengthen and promote collaboration in education, research, information exchange as well as staff and student exchange in aquaculture

“In order to strengthen and promote collaboration in education, research, information exchange as well as staff and student exchange in aquaculture and fisheries among ASEAN countries and with other international institutions and organizations for sustainable development of aquaculture and fisheries in the region, nine Universities including Can Tho University (Vietnam), Kasetsart University (Thai

land), Nong Lam University (Viet Nam), Prince of Songkla University (Thailand), Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya (Thailand), Universitas Airlangga (Indonesia), Universitas Brawijaya (Indonesia), Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (Malaysia), Universiti Sains Malaysia (Malaysia) has jointly established and made the Declaration of the ASEAN Fisheries Education Network (ASEAN-FEN) on 30 October 2014 during the International Fisheries Symposium – IFS2014, Surabaya, Indonesia.”


Thanks to IPB for inviting us to present ASEAN-FEN to Indonesian Fisheries & Aquaculture students this morning. Feel free to join…register at:

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